Kemper: 582 Megawatts of People Power!

Kemper Co. Mississippi is home to the best people on the planet. And we're building an amazing new technology wonder here too. 6,000 engineers, scientists & others are creating a first-of-its-kind cleantech, greentech 582-megawatt powerplant for Mississippi.


The Future Starts in 2014

2014. This is the year of Kemper, of Mississippi pride, of Mississippi jobs, of Mississippi innovation. Join us.


How It Works

Through new, sophisticated green technology, Kemper creates synthetic gas from lignite coal, a natural, untapped Mississippi natural resource. The carbon dioxide generated from the process, is captured and stored underground, cutting CO2 emissions by 65 percent.


“Mississippi Now Leads the Nation in Power Technology”

National Black Chamber of Commerce

“Mississippi now leads the nation in power technology.” That’s a direct quote from Harry C. Alford, President of the Black Chamber of Commerce, in today’s Tri-State Defender.

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October 9, 2013

Why is the Kemper County Energy Facility Right for Mississippi?


“Mississippi Power is investing in innovation for the future of Mississippi. The Kemper County energy facility, being constructed by 6,000 workers and using 450 Mississippi companies, is expected to demonstrate its value for decades to come.” – Ed Holland, CEO Mississippi Power

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October 7, 2013

Kemper Delay is Announced, Tax Benefit Forfeited


Kemper delay is announced by Southern Company and Mississippi Power. The company sited extremely poor weather conditions as reasoning for the delay. Mississippi Power CEO Ed Holland has said this schedule slip will not impact ratepayers.

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October 5, 2013

Kemper Plant Technology Extends Beyond Mississippi.


“The potential for what is happening in Kemper County clearly extends beyond the borders of Mississippi. At the least, the plant speaks to our nation’s will to employ powerful new technology in an an arena that calls out for new solutions. Even more, it can serve as a strong signal to the rest of the world that familiar energy resources aren’t going away anytime soon.”

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October 5, 2013
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    • @KemperProject

      Kemper Project #Mississippi gets $3.6 million for more planning for @BP_America spill restoration ->

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      Kemper Project #Mississippi Is Still the Worst State for Elections ->

    • @KemperProject

      Kemper Project >> @SouthernCompany believes #coal-fired capacity should remain part of its generation mix -> <<