What is TRIG?


The Kemper County energy facility is an electric power plant using an integrated gasification combined cycle (IGCC) design called TRIG technology.

TRIG was developed over the last two decades at the Power Systems Development Facility (PSDF) in Wilsonville, Alabama – a research facility for the Department of Energy and Southern Company.

A unique feature of the TRIG technology is the high-efficiency design that sends lignite not converted to gas in the initial process back for a second round of gasification. This allows a high rate of lignite-to-gas conversion to take place at a lower temperature — and thus lower cost — than what’s possible with other available gasification technologies.

TRIG produces gas that can be used to generate electricity while making it easier to remove emissions, such as carbon dioxide, that otherwise would end up in the atmosphere.

TRIG Facts

  • TRIG is a superior coal-gasification method with low impacts to our environment.
  • TRIG technology can utilize lignite, which accounts for more than half of the world’s vast coal reserves. It offers a simpler and more robust method than most existing coal-gasification technologies.
  • TRIG technology also produces more power and offers lower capital cost as well as lower operation and maintenance cost than what is possible with other available gasification technologies.
  • With TRIG technology, the Kemper plant will turn Mississippi lignite into a clean gas while reducing emissions of sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxides, carbon dioxide and mercury. The TRIG technology will reduce carbon dioxide emissions by at least 65 percent – with resulting carbon dioxide emissions equivalent to a similarly sized natural gas combined cycle power plant.
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    • @KemperProject

      Kemper Project #Energy is a resource we take 4 granted. Have 2 make sure it's a reliable & sustainable source @MECStateChamber Energy Legislative Scrambler

    • @KemperProject

      Kemper Project There isn't a real opportunity for us to generate #energy from wind & sun until the #technology further develops. @terrycburton

    • @KemperProject

      Kemper Project We must depend on oil & gas & petroleum products in #Mississippi. Sun doesn't always shine here. Wind doesn't always blow. @terrycburton