European Forum on Carbon Capture and Storage

8:00 am

June 9, 2014


June 10, 2014

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European Forum on Carbon Capture and Storage is gathering leading European and international policy makers, observers, project developers, technology providers and to have a discussion on what has to be done to stimulate action, recover assurance and get European CCS back on track in 2014.

Barcelona, Spain 9-10 June, 2014

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    • @AmericasPower

      America's Power Americans across our nation are catching on: Loss of #coal power will hurt our grid. Buffalo News, #NewYork .@IBEW

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      Mississippi Power "Mississippi has led the way in technology development." And we're keeping it going with #Kemper… #MississippiPride

    • @AmericasPower

      America's Power ICYMI #Kemper power plant will be among the world's cleanest #coal plants. .@MS_Power is innovating: