Search Results for "cost"


This Coal Technology Will Change the World.

The Kemper plant located in Kemper County Mississippi has generated increasing interest in the state of Mississippi, due to its first-of-a-kind implementation. However, in the global world Mississippi has been distinguished as innovative leader, looking to solve complex energy problems for decades to come.

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“Mississippi Now Leads the Nation in Power Technology”

“Mississippi now leads the nation in power technology.” That’s a direct quote from Harry C. Alford, President of the Black Chamber of Commerce, in today’s Tri-State Defender.

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Why is the Kemper County Energy Facility Right for Mississippi?

“Mississippi Power is investing in innovation for the future of Mississippi. The Kemper County energy facility, being constructed by 6,000 workers and using 450 Mississippi companies, is expected to demonstrate its value for decades to come.” – Ed Holland, CEO Mississippi Power

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The National Black Chamber of Commerce

About The National Black Chamber of Commerce The National Black Chamber of Commerce® (NBCC) is dedicated to economically empowering and sustaining African American communities through entrepreneurship and capitalistic activity within the United States and via interaction with the Black Diaspora. The NBCC reaches 100,000 Black owned businesses.  There are 2.1 million Black owned businesses in…

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Kemper Delay is Announced, Tax Benefit Forfeited

Kemper delay is announced by Southern Company and Mississippi Power. The company sited extremely poor weather conditions as reasoning for the delay. Mississippi Power CEO Ed Holland has said this schedule slip will not impact ratepayers.

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  • Kemper Power on Twitter

    • @KemperProject

      Kemper Project "#Kemper is going to set an example for the rest of the world on how to burn coal more cleanly.” - Pamela Tomski…

    • @KemperProject

      Kemper Project Thanks to the #KemperCCS Project, #economy and #business have been booming in #KemperCounty. via @Newscenter11

    • @KemperProject

      Kemper Project “This technology can be very important for improving the environment in China.” - Pang Guanglian #Kemper #StudyTour…